Terms and conditions
To check availability or book a date contact the manager, on 01584 877956 or email [email protected]. To confirm a booking we need a filled in booking form and a deposit of £10 per person.
Please note that final numbers and menu choices must be confirmed at least ten days before the booking and that you will be charged on the basis of the number of people you book for even if some of them don’t turn up. Payment will be due on the day of the party.
Minimum food charge
For events outside our normal opening hours we have a minimum food charge of £850.
Minimum bar charge
However, if you only want a bar and no food or just a selection from our ‘sharing plates and nibbles’ menu, we have minimum ‘take’ on the bar of £450. If the bar takes less than £450 then we charge the difference between the amount taken and £450 as a fee for the provision of the service. If the bar takes more than £450 then there is no separate charge for the provision of a bar service.
Starting and finishing times
Exclusive-use events within can’t normally begin before we close to the public at 8pm. Our normal finishing time is 11pm. If you would like your guests to be able to stay later, additional charges will apply.
At the end of the evening, we can’t normally sell alcohol after 11pm; music must end no later than 11.15pm and customers must completely vacate the building by midnight.
Arrangement/furnishing of the café area
The café furniture which you see during normal café operation is the same as we use for private parties. Tables can of course be re-arranged to suit the needs of the occasion.
Wine, beer and cider
We are happy to either supply you with our wines or for you to supply your own. We charge corkage for wine at £8.50 per bottle. Alternatively if you’re bringing other drinks in addition to wine (beer, soft drinks, spirits etc) then we charge corkage at £6 per person – this includes any wine. An excellent range of wines and champagnes is available from Bentleys Wine Merchants and Ludlow Brewery.
Please complete the booking form and send it to together with your deposit to:
Bill’s Kitchen Ludlow
Ludlow Assembly Rooms
1 Mill St, Ludlow SY8 1AZ
The following information will be required at least 10 days before the event:
Please note that final numbers and menu choices must be confirmed at least ten days before the booking and that you will be charged on the basis of the number of people you book for even if some of them don’t turn up. Payment will be due on the day of the party.
Minimum food charge
For events outside our normal opening hours we have a minimum food charge of £850.
Minimum bar charge
However, if you only want a bar and no food or just a selection from our ‘sharing plates and nibbles’ menu, we have minimum ‘take’ on the bar of £450. If the bar takes less than £450 then we charge the difference between the amount taken and £450 as a fee for the provision of the service. If the bar takes more than £450 then there is no separate charge for the provision of a bar service.
Starting and finishing times
Exclusive-use events within can’t normally begin before we close to the public at 8pm. Our normal finishing time is 11pm. If you would like your guests to be able to stay later, additional charges will apply.
At the end of the evening, we can’t normally sell alcohol after 11pm; music must end no later than 11.15pm and customers must completely vacate the building by midnight.
Arrangement/furnishing of the café area
The café furniture which you see during normal café operation is the same as we use for private parties. Tables can of course be re-arranged to suit the needs of the occasion.
Wine, beer and cider
We are happy to either supply you with our wines or for you to supply your own. We charge corkage for wine at £8.50 per bottle. Alternatively if you’re bringing other drinks in addition to wine (beer, soft drinks, spirits etc) then we charge corkage at £6 per person – this includes any wine. An excellent range of wines and champagnes is available from Bentleys Wine Merchants and Ludlow Brewery.
Please complete the booking form and send it to together with your deposit to:
Bill’s Kitchen Ludlow
Ludlow Assembly Rooms
1 Mill St, Ludlow SY8 1AZ
The following information will be required at least 10 days before the event:
- Final guest numbers
- Details of any dietary requirements
- A seating plan or numbers of people per table